PB Spotlight: Operation Rescue Dog by Maria Gianferrari with a giveaway!

Blog_OpRescueDog_coverpicOperation Rescue Dog by Maria Gianferrari, illustrated by Luisa Uribe 

About the book: This sweet story about a girl named Alma and a stray dog named Lulu shows how a girl and a dog can rescue each other.

Lulu sleeps under the moon, drinking from mud puddles and is covered in ticks until she is rescued. She waits for the Operation Rescue Dog truck, scared and uncertain.

Alma misses her Mami, who is far away in Iraq. Alma wears Mami’s scarf around her like a hug. She wonders: Can a dog feel like a hug?

In this heartwarming and moving picture book, a lonely child and a lonely dog come together and find warmth, companionship, and love in each other.


Processed with VSCOcam with a5 presetAbout the author: Maria Gianferrari loves dogs, especially her rescue dog, Becca. She loves them so much that all of her fiction picture books published thus far contain a dog main character! As an animal lover, Maria has been rescuing creatures unofficially all her life. Her most recent rescue was a five-lined skink stranded in her cellar. She lives in Leesburg, Virginia with Becca, her scientist husband and artist daughter.

Enter to win a signed copy! (for US residents only) CLICK HERE to enter!

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